Don't forget about our drawing for an e-book from each of the Author to Author participants! You can enter every day. And, if we reach 2,000 entries, a second prize pack will be awarded. The Rafflecopter is at the bottom of the post.
Ten Questions
1. Who's your favorite author, and why?
This is impossible to answer, but I can list some favorites. I love Judy Blume, Shel Silverstein, S.E. Hinton, Nicholas Sparks, Stephenie Meyer, John Grisham, and Madeline L’Engle. Of this list, my favorite is probably Nicholas Sparks. The man never fails to touch my heart and bring me to tears.
2. If you could have a conversation with one of the characters in your most-recently released novel, which one would it be and why?
Matt. I’d love to see how he’s doing now. Is he still living in Tennessee? Teaching? In love? Most importantly, is he happy? Those are the questions I’d ask.
3. Where do you get the ideas and inspiration for your characters personalities?
Their personalities come from the people I encounter in my real life. With Lessons Learned, Sarah is very much me. Lucas is loosely based on my husband (the man really is a saint). The others characters are just blends of other people I know or have met in my life.
4. What is the best thing (in your opinion) about being a writer?
Editing. (Ha! Made you laugh, didn’t I?) Honestly, the best thing about being a writer is hearing that your words touched someone’s heart. That’s my goal, always.
5. How did you find your agent/publisher?
My story isn’t a traditional one. I was actually contacted by my publisher. One of their copy editors was a reader of my online stories, and she passed my name along to her submissions department. They contacted me to ask if I’d ever considered writing original fiction. The rest is history!
6. What's the best piece of writing advice you've been given?
Sandi Layne gave me a piece of advice about dealing with reviews. “You wrote for a certain ideal reader. That ideal reader is going to love your words. If someone doesn’t like your work? They aren’t your ideal reader. Do you really need to invest yourself in what they say?” Profound words. I printed it out, and it hangs on the wall behind my computer.
I don’t know that it’s a “mistake,” but an obstacle of mine is being brave enough to actually promote my book in my hometown. I’m not quite there yet. Maybe with Book #2 . . .
8. What would the lead character of your latest novel want for Christmas?
Sarah would want to cook a big dinner for her friends and family and just spend quality time with them.
9. Favorite Christmas music?
I love Christmas instrumentals (Celtic, Appalachian), and I love the classics (O Holy Night & What Child is This?) I also love Trans-Siberian Orchestra!
10. What was the best gift you ever received?
I had a December wedding. We will be married ten years on December 7. Best present ever. :)
Thank you, Sydney!
Sydney Logan's books can be found at Amazon, TWCS Publishing House, iTunes, and Kobo
Author to Author Giveaway!
Second prize package added if we get 2,000 entries!
Prize pack of ebooks:
Legacy of a Dreamer by Allie Jean (16+)
Lessons Learned by Sydney Logan (16+)
Ghostwriter by Lissa Bryan (16+)
Behind Closed Doors by Sherri Hayes (16+)
Fifty Shades of Jungle Fever by L.V. Lewis (18+)
Riverbend by Andrea Goodson
Serial Summer by Angel Lawson (18+)
MORE by T.M. Franklin
Valerie, Daughter of the Dragon by Robert S. Fuller, Jr.
Ghosts of our Pasts by N.K. Smith
My Only by N.K. Smith
The Six by K.B. Hoyle
Damaged Goods by Alexandra Allred
Please note, the 18+ titles will only be awarded to a winner eighteen years or older.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
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